ANTI-ALIASING - An algorithm to
smooth the appearance of the jagged lines "jaggies" created
by the limited resolution of a graphic display system. Aliasing is caused
by insufficient sampling of a digital signal.
BIT DEPTH - Graphics are often described
by the number of bits used to represent each dot. A 1-bit image is monochrome;
an 8-bit image supports 256 colors or grayscales; and a 24- or 32-bit
graphic supports TRUE COLOR.
to hardware and software that represent graphics images as bit maps. A
representation, consisting of rows and columns of dots, of a graphics
image in computer memory. The value of each dot (whether it is filled
in or not) is stored in one or more bits of data. For simple monochrome
images, one bit is sufficient to represent each dot, but for colors and
shades of gray, each dot requires more than one bit of data. The more
bits used to represent a dot, the more colors and shades of gray that
can be represented. The density of the dots, known as the resolution,
determines how sharply the image is represented. This is often expressed
in dots per inch (dpi ) or simply by the number of rows and columns, such
as 640 by 480. To display a bit-mapped image on a monitor or to print
it on a printer, the computer translates the bit map into pixels (for
display screens) or ink dots (for printers). Optical scanners and fax
machines work by transforming text or pictures on paper into bit maps.
Bit-mapped graphics are often referred to as raster graphics.
DPI - dots per inch. Typically used in reference to
the resolution of a printer or digital file.
GAMMA - The measure of brightness (or darkness) of
your computer monitor, as determined by its hardware. PCs have a darker
screen presentation setting (2.2 gamma) than Macs (1.8 gamma).
LINE ART - A type of graphic consisting entirely of
lines or large solid blocks, without any shading. Usually these are in
vector graphics format.
LPI - lines per inch. Typically used in reference
to the resolution of a half tone printer.
MOIRE PATTERN - An undesirable pattern in scanning
and printing, resulting from incorrect screen angles or scanner descreening
of overprinting halftones. Moire patterns can be minimized with the use
of proper screen angles or descreening fliters when scanning.
MONITOR RESOLUTION - Monitor resolution is the amount
of pixels per inch that can be displayed on your screen. Typically, 72
PPI. It is important to remember that if your image is set to screen resolution,
72 PPI, it will appear at actual size on the monitor. If your image is
at 144 PPI, it will appear at twice its actual size in inches on the screen
because only 72 of the 144 pixels can be displayed within one inch on
the monitor.
physical resolution at which a device can capture an image. The term is
used most frequently in reference to optical scanners and digital cameras.
In contrast, the interpolated resolution indicates the resolution that
the device can yield through interpolation -- the process of generating
intermediate values based on known values. For example, most scanners
offer an optical resolution of 300 dpi, but an interpolated resolution
of up to 4,800 dpi. This means that the scanner can actually capture 90,000
pixels per square inch. Then, based on the values of these pixels, it
can add 15 additional pixels in-between each pair of known values to yield
a higher resolution. NEVER TRUST INTERPOLATION! The input device is making
something up from nothing - and often it is the detriment of the image.
PERIPHERAL DEVICE - A piece of hardware - such as
a monitor, scanner, printer, or modem- used in conjunction with a computer
and under the computer's control.
PPI - pixels per inch. Typically used in reference
to the resolution of a computer monitor or a digital image file on screen.
RESAMPLING - To change the resolution of an image.
Resampling down discards pixel information in an image; resampling up
adds pixel information through interpolation.
RESOLUTION - (Spatial Resolution or Spatial Relations)
The number of pixels per inch in an image or the number of dots per inch
used by an output device. Resolution can also refer to the number of bits
per pixel. Image resolution, or DPI (dots per inch), refers to the spacing
of pixels in an image. If an image has 72 dpi, this means it has 5184
pixels in a square inch because 72 x 72 = 5184. The higher the resolution,
the more pixels in an image. For example, a 3x3 image at 72 dpi has 46,656
one inch square blocks of information. The same image with 300 DPI has
810,000 one inch square blocks of information.
RGB IMAGE - A three-channel image containing a red,
green, and blue channel.
TRUE COLOR - Refers to any graphics device or software
that uses at least 24 bits to represent each dot or pixel. Using 24 bits
means that more than 16 million unique colors can be represented. Since
humans can only distinguish a few million colors, this is more than enough
to accurately represent any color image.
VECTOR GRAPHICS - The other (aside from
raster graphics) method for representing images is known as vector graphics
or object-oriented graphics. With vector graphics, images are represented
as mathematical formulas that define all the shapes in the image. Vector
graphics are more flexible than bit-mapped graphics because they look
the same even when you scale or stretch them to different sizes. In addition,
images stored as vectors look better on devices (monitors and printers)
with higher resolution, whereas bit-mapped images always appear the same
regardless of a device's resolution. Another advantage of vector graphics
is that representations of images often require less memory than bit-mapped
images do. In contrast, bit-mapped graphics become ragged when you shrink
or enlarge them. Fonts represented with vector graphics are called scalable
fonts , outline fonts , or vector fonts. The best-known example of a vector
font system is PostScript. Bit-mapped fonts, also called raster fonts,
must be designed for a specific device and a specific size and resolution.
Note that most output devices, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers,
and display monitors, are raster devices (plotters are the notable exception).
This means that all objects, even vector objects, must be translated into
bit maps before being output. The difference between vector graphics and
raster graphics, therefore, is that vector graphics are not translated
into bit maps until the last possible moment, after all sizes and resolutions
have been specified. PostScript printers, for example, have a raster image
processor (RIP) that performs the translation within the printer. In their
vector form, therefore, graphics representations can potentially be output
on any device, with any resolution, and at any size.